Thursday, October 18, 2012

It used to be mainly diagnosed in children

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Coeliac disease
Could be the cause if: You often feel tired; you've lost
weight for no apparent reason; you are suffering from
abdominal pain. Coeliac disease is an adverse reaction to
gluten, which is found in wheat, barley and rye and all foods
containing them — everything from pasta and bread to pies
and some gravies and sauces. It is an autoimmune condition
where the body mistakes substances in gluten for a threat and
attacks them, leading to damage to the surface of the small
bowel, which then affects your ability to absorb nutrients
from food.
It used to be mainly diagnosed in children, but it's now
known people can go undiagnosed into middle age. If you have
these symptoms, see your doctor and ask to have a blood test
for coeliac disease. National Institute for Health and
Clinical Excellence guidelines state that anyone with
bloating and other IBS-type symptoms should be tested for it.
If you're diagnosed, you'll feel better once you start
avoiding all foods containing gluten.
Hormonal fluctuations
Could be the cause if: You are premenstrual or in the early
stages of pregnancy. During pregnancy, and just before your
period, levels of the hormone progesterone are raised. This
can slow down gut motility or movement, which means food
passes more slowly through the body, leading to bloating and
possibly constipation. But you can beat the bloat. Exercise
can help improve gut motility and walking for 30 minutes a
day could be enough to make the difference. Also, drink
plenty of fluids and eat lots of fruit, vegetables and whole
grains to avoid constipation.